Toril Schoepfer
Click HERE to listen to Toril Schoepfer |
In this call, Toril talks about:
- Starting her career while in college
- Rebuilding after the Great Recession
- Restructuring, reorganizing, and settling over $2 million dollars in debt
- Growing her brand “Toril Sells Houses”
- Creating a “mothership” database system for all her leads
- Past client and sphere of influence marketing plan
- Client appreciation party including BBQ, custom t-shirts, and vendor participation
- Top 20 “walking billboard” advocates and ambassadors
- Clickable CraigsList ads that generate 400% more leads
- Property flyers that cause the phone to ring like crazy
- Using your child in your advertising and paying them for modeling
- Team structure and daily huddles
- Managing her team with daily accomplishment emails, and more