We all know that a team creates leverage for the team leader.
Team members free your time to work ON the business instead of IN the business…and that’s when the real growth, profits, and freedom happen.
Without a VISION of what the final team looks like, it’s hard to know what you are working towards.
To get some answers, we asked Paul Wheeler. He sold 248 homes last year. Because of his team, Paul works 9 to 3 Monday thru Friday, drops off and picks up his kids from school everyday, and vacations 6 to 8 weeks per year.
In this 2 minute audio clip, Paul discusses his team structure…in detail. Click the arrow below to listen…
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P.S. Want to listen to Paul Wheeler’s ENTIRE 1 hour and 29 minute SUCCESS CALL? Do you like learning from Top Agents who already discovered HOW to succeed in real estate and are selling 50, 100, 200, and even 300 homes per year? Then consider joining SUCCESS CALLS and listen to 2 new top agent calls every month and gaining access to all 72 past top agent calls. Click this link to learn more: SUCCESS CALLS