Curtis Johnson SUCCESS CALL

Curtis Johnson

  • 268 closings per year
  • $48 million sales volume
  • 1 hour & 41 minutes
Click HERE to listen to Curtis Johnson

In this call, Curtis talks about:

  • Selling 10 homes his first year in real estate
  • How he upped his game and sold 40 homes his second year
  • Learning leverage from Michel Gerber and The E-Myth
  • Realizing that real estate is a lead generation game
  • What he tests in his Google PPC ads to improve results and reduce costs
  • Why his internet marketing converts 3 to 4 times better than average
  • How he generated over 1,000 seller leads in 90 days from the internet
  • Why he gets 3-to-1 ROI from his radio ads
  • How he charges and earns premium prices for his premium services
  • Video listing and buyer presentations that convert
  • Why you should consider being a non-competitive team leader
  • Fast starting his new buyer agents with 50 hours of training videos
  • Gearing up for the future and bringing his staff up to 25 people
  • Plus team dynamics, profit margins, and more