Agent gets 7-15 listing per month with cheap door hangers

Listings are the name of the game…

But HOW do you get in front of enough sellers is always the question.

If you have more time than money, consider door hangers.

Note:  Be sure to include a call-to-action on your door hanger.  (i.e. “Visit for a free home evaluation.”)

In this short 5 minute clip, Joshua Smith describe how he uses cheap door hangers to list 7 to 15 homes per month. Just click the arrow below to listen…

P.S. Do you use door hangers? What are your results? Tell me what you think in the comments below.

P.P.S. Mike Ferry is a master at listings.  He’ll talk about “If you want to LIVE in 2013, you have to LIST property” at the Agent Success Summit (the free virtual online training event). You can hear Mike and 20 other top speakers for FREE. Click this link to learn more…Agent Success Summit