Internet Marketing for Real Estate Agents

How do you generate high-quality leads from the internet?

Rob Levy sold 92 homes in 1 year worth $34 million…

54% of those closings came from cheap internet marketing.

In this short 8 minute clip, Rob Levy describes his internet marketing program. Click the arrow below to listen…

P.S. Do you generate leads from the internet? What are your results? Tell me what you think in the comments below.

P.P.S. Rob Levy is a master at internet marketing. He’ll talk about “Don’t leave your leads on your laptop. Use a system to generate, capture, manage, and convert internet leads into clients using landing pages, drip emails, video and more” at the Agent Success Summit (the free virtual online training event). You can hear Rob and 20 other top speakers for FREE. Click this link to learn more…Agent Success Summit