Gwen Daubenmeyer SUCCESS CALL

Gwen Daubenmeyer

  • 116 closings per year
  • $21 million sales volume
  • 1 hour & 23 minutes
Click HERE to listen to Gwen Daubenmeyer

In this call, Gwen talks about:

  • Her super slow start in real estate…taking 6 months to sell her first home
  • Rebounding from a career crushing recession where home values fell 42%
  • How she generates 94% of her business by repeat & referrals from past clients & sphere of influence…including her informal marketing plan
  • Why she has a black belt in introvert marketing
  • How she gets big numbers from a small database…last year she got 1 closing from every 7 people in her database.
  • The 4 ways people get into her database…and why she takes some people out
  • Her inclusive core value that the people in her database are her “family”, in her “nest”, and are “one of us”.
  • How she uses Facebook to connect with her database and her creative use of lists
  • Her decision guiding mantra of “people over things”
  • Team dynamics, compensation, profit margins, and more