Mega Open House – Survey Results

Thank you for taking part in our 2 quick surveys about Mega Open Houses. You spoke, I listened.

Here are the results…

Survey 1: What are your 2 most pressing questions about Mega Open Houses?

I received a HUGE response…over 500 questions. I read each one. Then sorted and categorized them. Below is a list of the Top 5 questions/concerns ranked in order:

  1. Promotion.  How do you get 20,30,40,50, and even 100 people to attend your event?
  2. Process.  What is the exact step-by-step process of holding a Mega Open House…before, during, and after the event?
  3. Capture.  How do you collect the attendees contact info?
  4. Qualification & Conversion:  How do you qualify the attendees and convert the best into clients?
  5. Cost.  How much does it cost to hold a Mega Open House?  How can it be so cheap?

Survey 2: Call for Mega Open House Cast Studies.

I received amazing responses. I was surprised by how many agents have held Mega Open Houses…and are doing great. Here are a few examples:

  • Nate is a new agent…90 days full time.  So far, he’s done 5 Mega Open Houses.  His best had 45 people attend and he picked up 2 new clients.  He can already track 7 clients and over $2 million in sales volume to his Mega Open Houses…in his first 90 days.
  • Melinda is a veteran team leader.  She just held a Mega Open House with 70 groups of of people through.  It resulted in 4 buyer and seller appointments. multiple contracts, and good will in the community.
  • Chris is a veteran solo agent.  He’s done over 45 Mega Open Houses and thinks they are his very best, most cost-effective prospecting tool.  He is averaging 35 attendees per event and 1 closing for every two events.  His best Mega Open House had around 100 people through and resulted in 5 closings…3 buyers and 2 sellers.
  • Joe is a veteran team leader.  He’s held 6 Mega Open Houses…and sold the open house 5 times.  It creates lots of excitement and a potential bidding war.  The sellers love it.  His best event had almost 100 people attend.
  • Thomas is a veteran solo agent.  He’s held over 60 Mega Open Houses.  He averages 45-50 people through and 1 closing per event.  His best attracted 150 people through the door and resulted in 8 closings…5 buyers and 3 sellers.

This “little” project is morphing into something “big”.  The more research I do, the more amazed I am.  The successes are incredible…huge results on shoestring budgets.  I’m finding the best practices and determining what is working…and not working.  Then organizing it into a duplicatable system.

I plan to put on a training event sometime in the next few weeks or few months.  It will answer the Top 5 questions above (and more), show a complete blueprint of the best way to hold a Mega Open House, and lay out case studies of real life agents getting leads, clients, and closings.

I’ll keep you posted.  Stay tuned.

-Mike Cerrone