Referrals are the easiest and most profitable clients you can get.
So why don’t more agents focus on referrals from their past clients and sphere of influence?
I’m sure there are tons of excuses…
I used to think of dozens. Like…
“It’s too soon for me to talk to my past clients.”
“I’m too new.”
“I don’t want to beg for business from my family. I’ll prove myself first.”
“I don’t know what to say.”
And my favorite…
“Why should I ask for referrals. Shouldn’t the universe just be sending people to me.”
What is your excuse?
Whatever it is, you need to stop putting roadblocks in the middle of your success highway.
Let’s focus on 2 things we can control:
1. How to build a referral list (who is on it).
2. How to get referrals from that list (what to do).
I think the best source of wisdom on this topic is top agent Daniel Del Real. He closed 196 homes in his best year…80% were referrals from his past clients and sphere of influence.
In this short 10 minute clip, Daniel describe how small his list is (you’ll be surprised) and how he stays in touch (very easy). Just click the arrow below to listen…
P.S. Do you pursue referrals? How? What are your results? Tell me what you think in the comments below.
P.P.S. Dean Jackson is a master at referrals. He’ll talk about the “The secret Psychology of why people refer real estate agents … and how to be the only one they refer” at the Agent Success Summit (the free virtual online training event). You can hear Dean and 20 other top speakers for free. Check it out here…Agent Success Summit